What are the different types of synthetic flooring materials for sport court? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Acrylic, EPDM rubber granules, silicon PU, full pour PU and PVC can all be used for flooring of sport court, but what are the differences? We listed the advantages and disadvantages of these surfacing materials below:

Material Base Type Comfortableness Aesthetics Cost Resistance to water,
weathering, abrasion and UV Environmental-friendliness

Hard court AcrylicConcrete base/Asphalt baseBetterBetterModerateBestBest
EPDMConcrete baseGoodGoodHigherAverageAverage
Silicon PUConcrete baseBetterBetterModerateAverageAverage
Full Pour PUConcrete baseBetterBetterModerateBetterAverage
Sandwich Type Full Pour PUConcrete base/Asphalt baseBetterBetterHighestAverageAverage